Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lap booking class Term 1 lesson 8

Png Png was still weak from gastric flu. However, he wanted to attend lapbook class. We were late but just in time before the actual teaching started

We did

1. Shirley placed 4 nobs of the same size on the floor. 3 nobs were yellow in color, 1 nob was green in color. Shirley asked tots which was the odd one out or which one was different. After the tot got the correct answer she asked why the green nob was the odd one out. Because it was different in color

Shirley placed 3 same color nobs and 1 bigger size bottle cap on the floor and asked which was the odd one out and why

Next, Shirley placed 3 same size bottle caps of different shade of blue and 1 gold color bigger bottle cap and asked which is the odd one out and why
Then, Shirley placed 3 yellow nobs clipped with green nob and a yellow nob clipped with red nob and asked which was the odd one out. Why?

Shirley commented Png Png was living in his own world during the lesson. She is very observant. I told her Png Png was not feeling well

2. Shirley drew the following groups of pictures on white board and asked which is the odd one out

3. Tot was given a piece of paper folded into 3 sections. Parent had to draw 9 circles or get tot to help to draw 9 circles on the paper. Tot to scoop paint and paint the circle with index finger the following color combination
yellow + red = orange
red + blue = purple
blue + yellow = green
This activity let the children see what is the secondary color with the primary color combination. Shirley said let tot try more of a primary color to give different shade of primary color
4. Tot to identify the odd one out chameleon from the activity sheet given by Shirley. Shirley said identifying odd one out from a piece of paper is more difficult as it is 2 dimension. More difficult when the picture has no color. The pictures in the activity that Shirley gave has subtle difference. That makes it even more diffcult for the tots
5. Sang Good bye song

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