Saturday, March 31, 2012

Home Teaching - Goodnight Moon

Margaret Wise Brown's Goodnight Moon is a best selling children classic literature.   This book contains a poetry of words of goodnight before a bunny turns in for the day.  Png Png loves reading this story book before bedtime.  

Our lapbook material for this literature are mostly from

I gave Png Png a piece of black color paper, a cut out of shape of a moon, then got him to paint the moon and used glitter glue for the starry sky.  
Identify ballons with picture of same shapes or different shapes
Match rhyming words
Memory game to recall what is it that the bunny in the story said goodnight to

what is it that the bunny did not say goodnight to.

Time telling - Png Png could tell time for o'clock and half past but could not write numbers yet.   So I wrote the timing on the clock.

Png Png's favourite poem.

Sort belongings for the 3 bears

Png Png's favourite activity - dot to dot

Trace words that begins with letter M and paste the words corresponding to the pictures

Different phases of moon


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