Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lap booking class term 1 lesson 6

We do lapbook on a new literature "Boats" by Byron Barton from this lesson onwards for 5 lessons
Today, we did
1. Sang Good Afternoon song
2. Teahcer Shirley read the book Boats and do a brieft description on the different boats in the book.
3. Sang Row, row, row your boat and action with parent sitting behind tot rowing boat action together. Then action with parent facing tot, tot on parent's lap, pulling and pushing tot.
4. Teacher Shirley taught tot to lock their fingers then moved arm up and down pretending to be sea wave and sang Waves, waves back and forth, rock the boat all day, ......
5. Teacher Shirley showed a picture of a sailboat. She described the sail is the 2 big triangle shape on the picture, flag is the triangle shape above, hull is at the bottom that touches the water, mast is the pole that hold the sails. She called each tot and guide each tot to paste sticker of a word (sail, flag, hull, mast) on the picture

After tots pasted all the words, teacher Shirley decorated the sailboat with 5 different color magic ink. She drew stripes, poka dots, lines or color different parts on the picture. After that, she gave out new lapbook, poem, list of words to paste on the lapbook. She also gave the sailboat picture and stickers to let parent name parts of sailboat with tot. She gave tot color magic ink after tot completed the naming exercise. Png Png refused to do the naming exercise but did it when teacher Shirley asked him to. Argh.... Made me look incapable to teach him..... Boo boo, bully me..... 5. Teacher Shirley read a book title "Ship" She mentioned row boat moved by people rowing oar; sailboat moved by wind blowing on the sail; tug boat pulls and pushes big ship (she action pull and push); motorboat moved by engine in the boat (she made the engine sound umm.....); big cruise ship or ocean liner has many engines, it is moved by the engine and propeller. She showed picture of engine and propeller from the book. Teacher Shirley said action(row boat, curve hand to refer to hull) and sound (sound of engine) catches tot's attention

6. Parents were given a A4 size paper with pictures of rowboat, sailboat, motorboat, fishing boat, fireboat, ferry, tugboat and cruise to describe to tots. Png Png refused to listen to me but sit through and listen when Teacher Shirley described the 8 pictures to him. Argh..... Made me look lousy again! I told Teacher Shirley Png Png listen to her. She took the opportunity to advertise for herself that that's why many parents send their kids to her. Chey, it is very natural that kids don't listen to parent's teaching even if the parent is a teacher. 7. Sang Good bye song

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