Saturday, September 12, 2009

Png Png calls mummy

Png Png fussed when put on high chair for dinner This is not something unusual. Hubby coaxed him with toys and finally got him to sit down on his high chair. I did not buckle him and fed him straight away. After that, I left him in the high chair while I washed up in the kitchen. Hubby was with Chen Chen somewhere in the house. Png Png was alone in the dinning hall. Suddenly I heard Png Png called "MUMMY". I quickly ran to the dinning hall. All along, Png Png calls me ma ma. This is the first time he calls me mummy. I got a shock to see that Png Png almost slipped down the high chair. His bum was off the seat. He hang himself on by holding onto both ends of the table. Gosh!! He started crying only when I was in the process of getting him out of the hair chair. Probably he was too shocked to cry or he chanelled all his energy to hold on to the table. My poor baby

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