1. Sang Good Afternoon song
2. Shirley showed this book "Baby bears". It has many words in each page

She said tots see picture not words but parents should point the words when reading to tot so that tots know the words mean something when they start to read. Pointing the words also let tots knows that a sentance goes from left to right. Describe the pictures to the tots and asked questions about the picture to make tot think what is behind the pictures.
Png Png brought his green care bear. Shirly asked if there is green color bear in real life. She asked what is the color of the bears then pointed to the book and said there are brown bears, black bears, white polar bears, white face with black eye patch and limbs the panda bear.
She pointed to picture of a bear cub and said that it is grey in color. Bear cubs are weak. They can't climb trees and eat food like adult bears. They drink milk just like human babies.

Shirley asked why the bears climb the tree? She said a 4 year old tot said the bear climb tree to look for fish. She answered the bears climb tree to look for mummy or playing or chase each other. She asked how bear eats fish. Bear eats fish using it's hand with sharp claws to hold the fish and mouth to bite

5. Shirley read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? By Eric Carle. She said there are many rhyming words in this book

6. Sang rhyme Brown Bear, Hug your bear. Shirley also introdued song You are my teddy bear. She said can also replace the word teddy bear with brown bear

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