1. Sang Good Afternoon song
2. Shirley brought a teddy bear that looks like the teddy bear in the book "One Ted falls out of bed". She hid the bear behind the book then showed the legs, the head, just like what Eleen in BJG does. Shirley then read the book with animation. A few tots went after the teddy bear and took it from Shirley
3. Shirley asked how does Ted feel when
he falls down the bed? Sad
the mice ask him to play with them? Happy
roar in fast cars? Excited
gaze stars? Tired
Why the 6 dolls are kind? They share tea, grapes and cookies with Ted and the 3 mice
She said these questions help tot to develop empathy and see things not stated in the book. She said helps tot to build strong vocabulary by introducing new words eg gaze which we rarely use. Study shows that the number of vocabulary a child knows by 3 year old decide whether a child is an early reader. Describes new words introduced to tot eg vroom vroom with action to describe fast moving car
4. Shirley asked tots to collect chips and the pictures to do the counting activity did last week. When Png Png returned the chips and the activity instruction to her, she asked Png Png how many cookies did Ted eat? Png Png answered 8 cookies in the box. Shirley said very good memory. Good thing Png Png responded with the correct answer plus something not in the question ie to tell Shirley 8 cookies (he put) in the box.
5. Shirley gave tot a picture with small bears and big bears and crayon. Tots had to color big bears in one color and small bears in another color.
6. Sang rhyme Brown bear turn around substituting brown with the color of the clothes tot wear. Eg Png Png wore orange so the lyric becomes Orange Bear turn around....

Shirley gave a list of vocabulary to introduce to tot for this literature

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