Today we did
1. Sang Good Afternoon song
2. Teacher Shirley read the book Run Away Bunny
3. Teahcer Shirley said she would let tots do 2 acitivies today. She would not limit the timing of each activity. Parents and tots could do the activities according to their own pace.
Teacher Shirley gave tots 2 white color A3 size papers, 1 blue color and 1 yellow color A3 size paper, a sushi grass, a cotton bud, crayon and magic pen to make cover for the lap book
Tots had to draw a big circle shape and a big oval shape. Png Png drew the shapes fairly small. I thought they are ok but Teacher Shirley wanted him to draw bigger. Wasted a lot of time here. Actually, I wanted to quickly move on as I expect Png Png is unable to finish the activities
4. Parents to help tots cut out the circle and oval shapes after tots drew them
5. Tots to tear A3 size blue color and yellow color paper into stripes or pieces. Again wasted a lot of time here as I thought have to tear all into small pieces
6. Parents to guide tots to do the cover for Run Away Bunny lap book with the circle shape, oval shape, blue paper, yellow paper, sushi grass, cotton bud, crayon and magic pen. As Png Png is not very cooperative in this activity and we wasted some time in drawing circle and oval shapes and tearing the color papers, he is way behind the other tots The other tots proceeded to do puzzle. I can't get him to draw eyes, nose, mouth and ears for rabbit

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