Picture taken after we were all geared up to enter the Snow Chamber in Snow City

There was Polar Bear Gallery in the Snow Chamber, along with a display panel of useful information on how polar bears survive in the cold climate
Santa's cabin or rather a corner in the Snow Chamber has antique furniture that makes up most of the surroundings 

A snow machine blew out snow at intervals. My boys like this only.
Snow City is a disappointment. Many corners were closed to visitors. The staff let visitors in to snap pictures with their camera. The staff asked us to come out when we were using our own camera. We didn't buy any picture from them. My boys don't like Snow City but they still wanna go to the real snow mountain for holiday
We proceeded to Kinetic Garden which is next to McDonalds at Science Center for home cooked lunch
My boys ran around the steps after their stomach were filled

Head on a platter
Trying hard to turn the sterring wheel

This pulley system used to be outside Science Center. Both my boys love to watch the flow the balls went through
WaterWorks - my boys enjoyed the most here. I hide under the shelter all the time. Even then, I felt the heat burning my skin 

My boys didn't wanna leave this area though they were very tired. Png Png knocked off immediately after I bathed him

Science Center was celebrating anniversary on that day. Free pop corns and cotton candy were given to visitors. Png Png got his first taste of pop corns and he loves it. Luckily the oil used to pop the pop corns is magarine. Pop corns sold in the supermarket uses butter.
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