Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lap booking class term 1 lesson 6

We do lapbook on a new literature "Boats" by Byron Barton from this lesson onwards for 5 lessons
Today, we did
1. Sang Good Afternoon song
2. Teahcer Shirley read the book Boats and do a brieft description on the different boats in the book.
3. Sang Row, row, row your boat and action with parent sitting behind tot rowing boat action together. Then action with parent facing tot, tot on parent's lap, pulling and pushing tot.
4. Teacher Shirley taught tot to lock their fingers then moved arm up and down pretending to be sea wave and sang Waves, waves back and forth, rock the boat all day, ......
5. Teacher Shirley showed a picture of a sailboat. She described the sail is the 2 big triangle shape on the picture, flag is the triangle shape above, hull is at the bottom that touches the water, mast is the pole that hold the sails. She called each tot and guide each tot to paste sticker of a word (sail, flag, hull, mast) on the picture

After tots pasted all the words, teacher Shirley decorated the sailboat with 5 different color magic ink. She drew stripes, poka dots, lines or color different parts on the picture. After that, she gave out new lapbook, poem, list of words to paste on the lapbook. She also gave the sailboat picture and stickers to let parent name parts of sailboat with tot. She gave tot color magic ink after tot completed the naming exercise. Png Png refused to do the naming exercise but did it when teacher Shirley asked him to. Argh.... Made me look incapable to teach him..... Boo boo, bully me..... 5. Teacher Shirley read a book title "Ship" She mentioned row boat moved by people rowing oar; sailboat moved by wind blowing on the sail; tug boat pulls and pushes big ship (she action pull and push); motorboat moved by engine in the boat (she made the engine sound umm.....); big cruise ship or ocean liner has many engines, it is moved by the engine and propeller. She showed picture of engine and propeller from the book. Teacher Shirley said action(row boat, curve hand to refer to hull) and sound (sound of engine) catches tot's attention

6. Parents were given a A4 size paper with pictures of rowboat, sailboat, motorboat, fishing boat, fireboat, ferry, tugboat and cruise to describe to tots. Png Png refused to listen to me but sit through and listen when Teacher Shirley described the 8 pictures to him. Argh..... Made me look lousy again! I told Teacher Shirley Png Png listen to her. She took the opportunity to advertise for herself that that's why many parents send their kids to her. Chey, it is very natural that kids don't listen to parent's teaching even if the parent is a teacher. 7. Sang Good bye song

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pose for camera edit

Png Png likes to ride on Chen Chen's tricycle. He doesn't know how to paddle the tricycle. My hubby pushes the tricycle with the handlePose like a model hahaha........


Closed up shot

There you go - model for Winney the Pooh

Lunar New Year day 14

It's been a long time since we last visited Singapore zoo. We last visited Singapore zoo before I was pregnant with Png Png. Png Png will be 2 yr old next month. This is his maiden trip to Singapore zoo.

Planned the trip because Png Png did lap book on Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you see. Wanna let him see the real animals that he saw from the pictures in the book. Managed to buy Abbot stickers to exchange for zoo ticket and bought cheaper ticket in the forum. Total amount cost me half the price of the zoo ticket if I were to buy them in Singapore zoo. Wasted $2 purchased a sticker which is for Night safari though. Didn't know the sticker for day zoo and night safari is different

Looking at otter swimming in their pond Cheese with otter
Pose with White Tiger - WOW! Not the real tiger of courseThe one behind us is the real white tiger
Png Png pressed different buttons to listen to different type of roar makes by tiger
Picture with Emus This is not emus but look similar. Forgotton the name of the animal Elephant statue Chen Chen climbed up the stairs to the hut near the elephant enclosure Png Png wanna follow Chen Chen and hubby but I dare not bring him up as the stairs is very steep
Pose with penguin
Png Png sitting on sea lion Cheese with Png Png and my favorite polar bear (very small though) Picture with antelope Hello Cheetah Cheetah ignored us Hey, cheetah also wanna take picture It gets closer to us. Imagine if there is no glass between cheetah and us........ Zeebra, zeebra, what do you hear? Can you see what we were seeing? It's giraffe This is the first time we stepped into this garden. We always give it a pass. It's a very interesting garden planted with many fruits and vegetables that we eat daily This garden is our last stop. It's getting late 6+pm. Mosquitos are coming out. Itchy..... Both Png Png and I got bitten :'( Towards the entrance/exit gate Last shot with crocodile. We didn't spot the real crocodile though We went to hubby's friend Tammy's house after that. We have Lunar New Year or Christmas gathering at Tammy's house almost every year.
I made fruit salad. Forgot to take a picture of it. Everybody likes it Yeah!
This is my favorite - lao yu sheng. Png Png was sleeping while we were eating
Png Png was very tired after visiting Singapore zoo. He slept the moment he broaded the car till 9+pm. He had late dinner. Bathed him and changed him into pyjamus after his dinnerHe loves to bear hug me. I love his bear hug. This is what Chen Chen look forward to going to Tammy's house - play Nitendo WII. He likes bowling game the most. And, he is very good at it. He strikes many times.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Hockey player

Png Png has skin allery. His skin rashes easily when he sweats.
My mum keeps him in air-con room and dressed him lightly yet worried that he will catch a cold. So put on my mum's socks on him Cute!

Stretch your neck
Bend your arms

Swing your arms

Lift your legs


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Exercise corner - narrated by Png Png

I am going to the exercise corner on the 2nd level. ByeWow, the sun is scorching.
It's too bright. I can't open my eyesWhat a nice shady spot
Daddy, don't keep taking pictures. Take a rest, sit next to me

Lap booking class term 1 lesson 5

Today we did
1. Sang Good afternoon song
2. Teacher Shirley read story book Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you hear

3. Teacher Shirley demonstrated drawing bear's face on the white board with circles. She said drawing shapes is the start of teaching drawings. She drew a big circle representing the face, then a small circle representing the eyes. She purposely drew the other eyes in different position (below, diagonally across, side by side) to the 1st eye she drew to ask tots where is the correct position of the eyes. She completed the drawing with a nose, mouth and ears. She gave out a piece of circle shape paper for tots to draw features of bear. Png Png refused to draw. He was only interested in playing with glue.

Finally managed to get him to draw bear's face at home Smiling face, I like
4. . Teacher Shirley gave out a piece of red paper folded into 4 quadrants so that it forms a mini book. She handed out 4 small pictures - cow, sheep, dog and pig. She asked parents to paste the pictures on the mini book and recite to the tot
"tot's name, what do you hear"
"I hear a cow mooing in my year"
"Cow, cow, what do you hear
and so on with the 4 animals. This is to make the mini book a simulation of the story book Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you hear
5. Teacher Shirley read poem on elephant of Eric Carle's book "Animals, Animals".
She asked tots where is blue color in the book. 1 of the tot was very sharp to point out a tiny blue patch at the right bottom of the drawing. She is good. I didn't even spot it Teacher Shirley showed the picture of peacock and pointed to the tail and said that that is bull eye print.
She said Eric Carle's book has great pictures for teaching tots to look out for details This trains art appreciation
6. Teacher Shirley showed a table mat with pictures of wild animals and talked about special features of the animals
quill on porcupine is longer than quill on hedgehog;
skunk has a single thick stripe across back and tail;
hyenas makes a sound that sounds like insane laughter. Teacher Shirley mimic the insane laughing sound made by hyenas
7. Teacher Shirley showed a book on koala She said that koala is not a bear. It has a pouch at the tummy just like kangeroo. The pouch is for holding their young. Animal that has a pouch at the tummy is marsupial
8. Sang Good bye song

I made a cover for this lap book. I tried to get Png Png to paste cotton wool on the polar bear but he refused to. Argh...... Mummy's effort