Planned the trip because Png Png did lap book on Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you see. Wanna let him see the real animals that he saw from the pictures in the book. Managed to buy Abbot stickers to exchange for zoo ticket and bought cheaper ticket in the forum. Total amount cost me half the price of the zoo ticket if I were to buy them in Singapore zoo. Wasted $2 purchased a sticker which is for Night safari though. Didn't know the sticker for day zoo and night safari is different
Looking at otter swimming in their pond Cheese with otter
Pose with White Tiger - WOW! Not the real tiger of course
The one behind us is the real white tiger
Png Png pressed different buttons to listen to different type of roar makes by tiger
Picture with Emus
This is not emus but look similar. Forgotton the name of the animal
Elephant statue
Chen Chen climbed up the stairs to the hut near the elephant enclosure
Png Png wanna follow Chen Chen and hubby but I dare not bring him up as the stairs is very steep
Pose with penguin
Png Png sitting on sea lion
Cheese with Png Png and my favorite polar bear (very small though)
Picture with antelope
Hello Cheetah
Cheetah ignored us
Hey, cheetah also wanna take picture
It gets closer to us. Imagine if there is no glass between cheetah and us........
Zeebra, zeebra, what do you hear?
Can you see what we were seeing?
It's giraffe
This is the first time we stepped into this garden. We always give it a pass. It's a very interesting garden planted with many fruits and vegetables that we eat daily
This garden is our last stop. It's getting late 6+pm. Mosquitos are coming out. Itchy..... Both Png Png and I got bitten :'(
Towards the entrance/exit gate
Last shot with crocodile. We didn't spot the real crocodile though
We went to hubby's friend Tammy's house after that. We have Lunar New Year or Christmas gathering at Tammy's house almost every year.
I made fruit salad. Forgot to take a picture of it. Everybody likes it Yeah!
This is my favorite - lao yu sheng. Png Png was sleeping while we were eating Png Png was very tired after visiting Singapore zoo. He slept the moment he broaded the car till 9+pm. He had late dinner. Bathed him and changed him into pyjamus after his dinner
He loves to bear hug me. I love his bear hug.
This is what Chen Chen look forward to going to Tammy's house - play Nitendo WII. He likes bowling game the most. And, he is very good at it. He strikes many times.
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