1. Sang Good afternoon song
2. Teacher Shirley read story book Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you hear
3. Teacher Shirley demonstrated drawing bear's face on the white board with circles. She said drawing shapes is the start of teaching drawings. She drew a big circle representing the face, then a small circle representing the eyes. She purposely drew the other eyes in different position (below, diagonally across, side by side) to the 1st eye she drew to ask tots where is the correct position of the eyes. She completed the drawing with a nose, mouth and ears. She gave out a piece of circle shape paper for tots to draw features of bear. Png Png refused to draw. He was only interested in playing with glue.
Finally managed to get him to draw bear's face at home Smiling face, I like

"tot's name, what do you hear"
"I hear a cow mooing in my year"
"Cow, cow, what do you hear"
and so on with the 4 animals. This is to make the mini book a simulation of the story book Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you hear

She asked tots where is blue color in the book. 1 of the tot was very sharp to point out a tiny blue patch at the right bottom of the drawing. She is good. I didn't even spot it
Teacher Shirley showed the picture of peacock and pointed to the tail and said that that is bull eye print. 

She said Eric Carle's book has great pictures for teaching tots to look out for details This trains art appreciation
6. Teacher Shirley showed a table mat with pictures of wild animals and talked about special features of the animals
quill on porcupine is longer than quill on hedgehog;
skunk has a single thick stripe across back and tail;
hyenas makes a sound that sounds like insane laughter. Teacher Shirley mimic the insane laughing sound made by hyenas
7. Teacher Shirley showed a book on koala She said that koala is not a bear. It has a pouch at the tummy just like kangeroo. The pouch is for holding their young. Animal that has a pouch at the tummy is marsupial
8. Sang Good bye song
I made a cover for this lap book. I tried to get Png Png to paste cotton wool on the polar bear but he refused to. Argh...... Mummy's effort

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