Today we arrived just in time for singing Good Afternoon song to Png PngThe literature we use for the next 5 lessons is "A color of his own"
We did1. Shirley showed the cover of the book "A color of his own" and asked what color is this chameleon? She described the 4 different colors of the 4 legs, tail, head. She asked where is this chameleon? There are leaves in the surrounding. So it could be in the garden.2. Shirley read the book "A color of his own"She asked how many goldfish when she read this page
she said the naughty chameleon stands on a lemon so that it turns yellow in color. She aske is chameleon big or small? What is the size of a lemon? So it is about the size of a lemon. She said this question allow tot to estimate size of something they have not seen before
Shirley pointed to the picture of chameleon on a tiger's tail and asked is that a tiger? Where is the tiger? She said tiger is too big, thus can't see the whole tiger on the picture. She pointed and said tiger's head is somewhere on the left and legs at the bottom of the book. Tiger has stripes. She asked who wears stripes? Coincidentally all tot had stripes on their attire that day.
Chameleon wants to be green forever, ie green today, green tomorrow, green day after tomorrow, green next week, green everyday. It is very happy and smiling away being green on the greenest leaf.
When autumn comes, chameleon turns yellow, Shirley action chameleon goes "oops" and shocked. The chameleon was very upset when it turns red
Chemeleon turns red with white poka dots when standing on toadstool. Shirley asked are the chameleons happy? Yes they are smiling
Shirley asked tots which chameleon do you like? Is it the colorful one, red with white poka dots one or the black one?Is chameleon rough like rock or smooth like your skin? Is chameleon's skin uneven? Shirley said use words like bumpy, spiky, uneven, rough to introduce new vocab to tot.3. Shirley showed a book "Chameleon" and asked is it ugly or pretty? It has stripes and spikes on the chin and bulging eyes
She pointed to picture with 2 chameleon and described they have spots on their body. One lighter in color, the other darker in color. Are they talking to each other? Probably one chameleon asked the other chameleon to go away. The other chameleon is scared
Where is your tongue? Do you have long or short tongue? Chameleon has very long tongue. Shirley use a marker to extend from her own tongue (she sticked out her tongue) She said when chameleon sees a fly, it waits and looks at the fly. When the fly comes to a rest, chameleon sticks out it's tongue to catch the fly and chew it (chew action)
4. Picture of a chameleon was given to tot to color. Shirley asked where is the chameleon? What color is it?
List of feeling words - sad, happy, anxious, excited, nervous, tired was given out. Parents had to give example and explain to tot the meaning of the words eg chameleon just ate a fly, it is happy; chameleon is anxious when a big animal wants to catch it; chameleon is tired after climbing up and down for a whole day
5. Sang rhyme "where is my chameleon"