We have not bring Png Png to the beach before as Chen Chen was allergic to sand. Today we decided to bring the boys there to give it a try since Chen Chen rested for years after his skin outbreak.
Png Png was more interested in walking at the coast than building sandcastle
Daddy : Becareful, don't step on shells
Png Png was very daring. He couldn't wait to run into the sea
Daddy : Peace
Png Png : Do you like my pose?
Chen Chen built sandcastle initially but joined Png Png along the coast after seeing Png Png was having fun there with daddy
Chen Chen enjoyed himself after being forbiddened from the beach for a long time
Png Png squat down to scoope sand. His diaper were soaked with sea water
Guess he didn't feel or rather too busy to feel that his diaper was wet and heavy
Png Png : Do you want a cup of sea drinks?
Png Png : It's fun playing at the beach
Png Png : Can we come again tomorrow?
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Lap booking class Term 1 lesson 6
Today we arrived just in time for singing Good Afternoon song to Png Png
The literature we use for the next 5 lessons is "A color of his own"
We did
1. Shirley showed the cover of the book "A color of his own" and asked what color is this chameleon? She described the 4 different colors of the 4 legs, tail, head. She asked where is this chameleon? There are leaves in the surrounding. So it could be in the garden.
2. Shirley read the book "A color of his own"
She asked how many goldfish when she read this page
she said the naughty chameleon stands on a lemon so that it turns yellow in color. She aske is chameleon big or small? What is the size of a lemon? So it is about the size of a lemon. She said this question allow tot to estimate size of something they have not seen before
Shirley pointed to the picture of chameleon on a tiger's tail and asked is that a tiger? Where is the tiger? She said tiger is too big, thus can't see the whole tiger on the picture. She pointed and said tiger's head is somewhere on the left and legs at the bottom of the book. Tiger has stripes. She asked who wears stripes? Coincidentally all tot had stripes on their attire that day.
Chameleon wants to be green forever, ie green today, green tomorrow, green day after tomorrow, green next week, green everyday. It is very happy and smiling away being green on the greenest leaf.
When autumn comes, chameleon turns yellow, Shirley action chameleon goes "oops" and shocked. The chameleon was very upset when it turns red
Chemeleon turns red with white poka dots when standing on toadstool. Shirley asked are the chameleons happy? Yes they are smiling
Shirley asked tots which chameleon do you like? Is it the colorful one, red with white poka dots one or the black one?
Is chameleon rough like rock or smooth like your skin? Is chameleon's skin uneven? Shirley said use words like bumpy, spiky, uneven, rough to introduce new vocab to tot.
3. Shirley showed a book "Chameleon" and asked is it ugly or pretty? It has stripes and spikes on the chin and bulging eyes
The literature we use for the next 5 lessons is "A color of his own"
We did
1. Shirley showed the cover of the book "A color of his own" and asked what color is this chameleon? She described the 4 different colors of the 4 legs, tail, head. She asked where is this chameleon? There are leaves in the surrounding. So it could be in the garden.
2. Shirley read the book "A color of his own"
She asked how many goldfish when she read this page
she said the naughty chameleon stands on a lemon so that it turns yellow in color. She aske is chameleon big or small? What is the size of a lemon? So it is about the size of a lemon. She said this question allow tot to estimate size of something they have not seen before
Shirley pointed to the picture of chameleon on a tiger's tail and asked is that a tiger? Where is the tiger? She said tiger is too big, thus can't see the whole tiger on the picture. She pointed and said tiger's head is somewhere on the left and legs at the bottom of the book. Tiger has stripes. She asked who wears stripes? Coincidentally all tot had stripes on their attire that day.
Chameleon wants to be green forever, ie green today, green tomorrow, green day after tomorrow, green next week, green everyday. It is very happy and smiling away being green on the greenest leaf.
When autumn comes, chameleon turns yellow, Shirley action chameleon goes "oops" and shocked. The chameleon was very upset when it turns red
Chemeleon turns red with white poka dots when standing on toadstool. Shirley asked are the chameleons happy? Yes they are smiling
Shirley asked tots which chameleon do you like? Is it the colorful one, red with white poka dots one or the black one?
Is chameleon rough like rock or smooth like your skin? Is chameleon's skin uneven? Shirley said use words like bumpy, spiky, uneven, rough to introduce new vocab to tot.
3. Shirley showed a book "Chameleon" and asked is it ugly or pretty? It has stripes and spikes on the chin and bulging eyes
She pointed to picture with 2 chameleon and described they have spots on their body. One lighter in color, the other darker in color. Are they talking to each other? Probably one chameleon asked the other chameleon to go away. The other chameleon is scared
Where is your tongue? Do you have long or short tongue? Chameleon has very long tongue. Shirley use a marker to extend from her own tongue (she sticked out her tongue) She said when chameleon sees a fly, it waits and looks at the fly. When the fly comes to a rest, chameleon sticks out it's tongue to catch the fly and chew it (chew action)
4. Picture of a chameleon was given to tot to color. Shirley asked where is the chameleon? What color is it?
List of feeling words - sad, happy, anxious, excited, nervous, tired was given out. Parents had to give example and explain to tot the meaning of the words eg chameleon just ate a fly, it is happy; chameleon is anxious when a big animal wants to catch it; chameleon is tired after climbing up and down for a whole day
Simei playground
My mom was admitted to Changi Hospital for kidney stone since 8th February 2011. Initially I visited her everyday after work. I brought Png Png along. The nurse in the ward advised me not to bring Png Png to hospital as there are many viruses around. So, I applied half day leave and visited my mom after half day work daily. During weekend, my boys came along not to the hospital but to the playground in the housing estate near the hospital. Hubby parked his car at the HDB carpark opposite Simei Easpoint mall. He brought my boys to the playground near the carpark while I walked to Changi Hospital to visit my mom
Chen Chen likes this moutain climber.
Png Png tried to follow Chen Chen to climb up the moutain climber.
Png Png likes crawling in the tunnel and slide down the slide.
Png Png likes crawling in the tunnel and slide down the slide.
There is a tunnel slide that has both features. Initially Png Png dare not slide down the tunnel slide since he can't see what's happening outside. After hubby slided with Png Png few times, Png Png slided down on his own. He asked me to look at him sliding down the tunnel slide when I went back to them.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Lap booking class Term 1 lesson 5
Today we were late. The class started when we arrived.
We did
1. Shirley asked
which spider is black in color, it has long legs and red hour glass print on the abdominal? Black Window Spider. It spins web and wait for prey to come. Fly comes to the web gets stuck on the web. Fly tries to pull out. This movement alerts Black Widow Spider and moves to the fly. Shirley action on fly stuck to the web and Black Widow Spider moves to the fly
which spider is Marbled Orb Weaver? It has big round abdominal. It also spins web and wait for prey
which spider is Long Jawed Orb Weaver? It has big round abdominal. It also spins web and wait for prey
which is Jumping Spider? It has bent legs Why it's legs are bent? So that it is ready to jump after prey anytime. When a frog appears in front of it, it sees the frog and wait for frog to come closer then jump after the frog
which is wolf spider? It's legs are wide open. Why? So that it is ready to run after prey
Tarantula has hairy body. It is as big as a hand. Shirley put her hand on her face and said imagine a Tarantula landed on her face and she screamed. She said Tarantula can't eat Teacher Shirley because teacher Shirley is bigger than Tarantula. But it scares Teacher Shirley. Shirley asked can Tarantula eat elephant? Cow? Bird? Lizard? Crocodile, snake? Asking these questions set tot thinking and compare sizes
2. Shirley gave a list of animal spider eats and picture of the animal for tot to identify and match the picture to the word. Parents to guide tot to do the matching
3. Shirley showed picture of spider eggs. She asked what's that? Some answer bubbles. It's spider eggs. She asked can mummy lay egg? Can birds, cows, lizards, ducks, hens lay egg? Spider lays 100 eggs and put them in a bag. The eggs are yellow in color. When they are hatched, they turn grey in color then turn tranlucent. The spiderlings eat and grow bigger and bigger and turn into adult spiders. Other than Black Widow Spiders, all other type of spiders come in different colors
4. Picture of life cycle of spider was given to tot. Parents to describe to tot the life cycle of spider. I added a fine string to the cover of the lapbook to show Png Png spider produces silk from the butt
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Lunar New Year 2011 Day 4
This is the first time I managed to get the same clothes for my 2 boys. Chen Chen's favorite pose. In fact, he poses only in this manner when taking picture. Chen Chen taught Png Png his signature pose.Got it.Why stuck cotton wool in ears? Lion dance performance! The lion dance "music" is too loud for adults, let alone kids. Our ex-neighbour invited us to their house to watch Lion dance performance. The 3 Lion dance performance pictures were taken at my office, not my ex-neighbour's place. Boo boo..... Hubby didn't take picture of Lion dance performance at my neighbour's place.
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