Today we were late. The class started when we arrived.
We did
1. Shirley asked
which spider is black in color, it has long legs and red hour glass print on the abdominal? Black Window Spider. It spins web and wait for prey to come. Fly comes to the web gets stuck on the web. Fly tries to pull out. This movement alerts Black Widow Spider and moves to the fly. Shirley action on fly stuck to the web and Black Widow Spider moves to the fly
which spider is Marbled Orb Weaver? It has big round abdominal. It also spins web and wait for prey
which spider is Long Jawed Orb Weaver? It has big round abdominal. It also spins web and wait for prey
which is Jumping Spider? It has bent legs Why it's legs are bent? So that it is ready to jump after prey anytime. When a frog appears in front of it, it sees the frog and wait for frog to come closer then jump after the frog
which is wolf spider? It's legs are wide open. Why? So that it is ready to run after prey
Tarantula has hairy body. It is as big as a hand. Shirley put her hand on her face and said imagine a Tarantula landed on her face and she screamed. She said Tarantula can't eat Teacher Shirley because teacher Shirley is bigger than Tarantula. But it scares Teacher Shirley. Shirley asked can Tarantula eat elephant? Cow? Bird? Lizard? Crocodile, snake? Asking these questions set tot thinking and compare sizes
2. Shirley gave a list of animal spider eats and picture of the animal for tot to identify and match the picture to the word. Parents to guide tot to do the matching

3. Shirley showed picture of spider eggs. She asked what's that? Some answer bubbles. It's spider eggs. She asked can mummy lay egg? Can birds, cows, lizards, ducks, hens lay egg? Spider lays 100 eggs and put them in a bag. The eggs are yellow in color. When they are hatched, they turn grey in color then turn tranlucent. The spiderlings eat and grow bigger and bigger and turn into adult spiders. Other than Black Widow Spiders, all other type of spiders come in different colors
4. Picture of life cycle of spider was given to tot. Parents to describe to tot the life cycle of spider.
I added a fine string to the cover of the lapbook to show Png Png spider produces silk from the butt

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