1. Sang Good Afternoon song
2. The paper plate that tots painted last week was returned to tot. 

Shirley showed 2 semi-circle shapes (cut from paper plate) which was meant for making the wings of the owl. She asked what is this? Png Png answered semi-circle. Shirley asked when we put the 2 semi-circles together, what shape does it form? She put the 2 semi-circles together and said that 2 semi-circles forms a circle when they are put together . 5 black color and 5 brown color stripes were given out to paste on the semi-circle as feather of the wings. Shirley said she will go around and staple the head and wings to the body individually when the tot was ready.
Parent to explain to tot how to do the craft - a circle for the head, a circle for the body, 2 semi-circles for the wings. Png Png answered correctly the smaller circle painted in brown is for the head and bigger circle with collage is for the body after asking him a few times. I had a hard time making Png Png to paste the black and brown stripes on the semi-circle. I asked him how he wanted to paste the stripes. Is it black and brown alternately or all brown then all black. All he was interested in was to press the glue and say bubble. I pasted the first stripe to show him and told him Shirley was looking at him. He pasted 1 stripe but played with the glue again. When I saw most tots were almost done, I had no choice but to threaten to put him on naughty chair then he quickly pasted all the other stripes. Next, I showed Png Png the different ways of placing the wings but he didn't choose which way he wanted the wings to be
I asked Png Png a few times which circle is for the head and which circle is for the body along the way. I wonder if he got fed up or changed his mind when Shirley came round to staple the body and head of the craft for him, he kept answering smaller circle is the body and the bigger circle is the head. Shirley asked him to think again and she moved on to the other tot. Argh..... We were the last one again. I saw other tots moved on to the other activity after completed the craft but we didn't get to do it at all. Argh.......
Finally Shirley stapled the head and body together and asked Png Png how he wants the wings to be. Is it flying with the wings spread to 2 sides or resting with the wings closed to the body. Png Png made his choice. Shirley asked what else was missing. Png Png answered legs. Guess he overheard what the other tot said and followed suit.
2 big yellow round circles, 2 small black round stickers, a black triangle and 2 clothes pegs were given to us to make the owl's eyes, beak and legs

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