Today we did

Shirley said very likely Png Png feels that I am testing him and doesn't like to be tested. He might or might not know all the answers. She advised me to continue to ask question and provide answer to let him enjoy learning.
1. Shirley showed Eric Carle's Animals, animals
the poetry on 5 owlets
She asked where are the owlets and how many owlets are there? Every tot including Png Png went to her to point and count the owlet on the picture. Shirley asked what is the owl's legs for? She said owl's eyes are for looking for animals, ears for listening to sound. Listen if there is rabbit coming out of the burrow, listen if there is squirrel moving up the tree. Shirley asked what tree are the owlets perching on? Old elm tree. She pointed to the picture of the mouse and asked if owl likes to eat mouse. Does owl likes to eat apple? Owl likes to eat snake, mouse, squirrel, insects

2. Tot has to collect a small booklet and pictures of food in a pocket. Png Png refused to collect the booklet. I collected it myself.
Parent to guide tot to pick food that owl eats and food that owl doesn't eat. Ask tot if owl is really very hungry, would it eat apple? Where can owl find prey? Png Png refused to do this activity. I threatened to put him on naughty chair then he did the activity. I overheard Shirley explained to other tots owl uses beak to poke meat that is soft. So, apple, vegetable are too hard for owl to poke it's beak through. Owl doesn't eat those. 

I explained to Png Png owl is carnivore so it eats meat. It doesn't eat fruits, vegetables. Shirley also used this reasoning to explain to the other tots. Shirley came to Png Png but he still refuse to cooperate. Shirley explained to him owl likes to eat animals, living things that moves.

3. A 6 pieces puzzle on a cut out picture of an owl was given to tots to fix. I find this puzzle too difficult to fix for a 2+ year old tot

Shirley said she didn't cover things like different types of owl. Owl is a bird of prey. Birds of prey has special beak for hunting and eating prey. She said Toucan eats fruits. Toucan has very big beak for that purpose

4. Sang Good bye song
I made the cover of the lapbook with Png Png by giving him paper to cut into pieces since he is very keen to cut with scissor. Then we pasted the pieces of paper on a picture of an owl

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