1. Sang Good Afternoon song
2. Shirley gave tots 2 paper plates. I bigger in size and the other smaller in size. She asked tots what is it? Is there any sound when throw on the floor? She said that there are 2 sides of the paper plate. 1 side curve in, the other side curve out. The paper plates will be used to make craft of owl. Small plate for the head and big plate for the tummy. Paint the small plate brown on the side that curve out. Tot to tear newspaper, glue the side of the big plate that curves out then paste the newspaper tot tored on it. If tot doesn't want a certain color, ask tot to pick newspaper of that color out.

3. Before start working on the craft, parents had to tell the tots what to do then ask tots what to do eg paint on big or small plate? Paint on the side that curves in or curves out? Do you want to paint first or do collage first? Png Png answered all the questions correctly and he wanted to paint first.
Png Png still doesn't know how to tear paper in the correct manner. He pulled the paper apart instead of tearing the paper. Shirley said have to hold the paper with fingers of both hands close to each other in order to tear. Png Png managed to tear int he correct manner a few times after a few tries.
4. Shirley showed the book Quiet owl. She showed this picture and asked if the owl looks fierce

She showed picture of owl looking at a rabbit and asked if the rabbit can escape

She also showed picture of owl grab a mice with talon

She showed picture of owl with 3 eggs and asked who put the eggs there? She said owl laid the eggs and sit on them to hatch them. When the eggs are hatched, you will see the owl babies. That's how the owl baby comes about

She showed picture of a snow owl and asked tots if we need to paint the paper plate if we make craft of snow owl? She said questions like this is simple to us but set the tots thinking

5. Shirley showed the page with poetry of 5 owls in Eric Carle's book Animals, Animals and read the poetry "Five Little Owls"

6. Sang Good Bye song
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