Today we did
1. Sang Good afternoon, Row Row Row your boat songs
2. Teacher Shirley got a tub of water and items like rubber band, can food, ball, metal spoon, baby's feeding spoon, disposable soup spoon, coin, baby's scissors, wooden pencil, lego block, popsicle stick and paper clip. She put the item one by one slowly into the tub to teach what is sink , float and partially submerged. She asked the tots to guess whether an item will sink or float after she put a few items.
2. Teacher Shirley got a tub of water and items like rubber band, can food, ball, metal spoon, baby's feeding spoon, disposable soup spoon, coin, baby's scissors, wooden pencil, lego block, popsicle stick and paper clip. She put the item one by one slowly into the tub to teach what is sink , float and partially submerged. She asked the tots to guess whether an item will sink or float after she put a few items.
3. Teacher Shirley gave out a list with items she used to demostrate sink and float concept. Each tot put an item into the tub then tick in the list whether the item sink or float. Teacher Shirley said for Png Png's age, most important thing is to get him to observe the demo. Png Png paid full attention to this demo. No problem at all with this part of the lesson.

5. Each tot was given a picture of a boat and crayon to color window, hull, funnel of an ocean liner and the sea. This is for the cover page of the lap book. Png Png didn't want to do the coloring. He prefers paint, color pencil and magic ink to crayon.

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