I gave teach Shirley 2 cup cakes as teacher's day gift. She looked surprised and happy
A mummy in the class asked me how old is Png Png. I told her he is 17 month. She was very surprised and said so it's kor kor not di di. Her son is a month younger than Png Png. I said Png Png looks small. Teacher Shirley was so nice to help me out saying her sons are very petite too.
What we did in this less
1. Sing good morning song, I am special, twinkle twinkle little star, I am a teapot
2. Flash card on colors and shapes
3. Teacher Shirley showed a book and point out what are the items that are circle in shape
4. Teacher Shirley gave the tots different sizes of balls - beach ball, tennis ball, pin pong ball. Parents are to roll the ball to the tots and the tots roll the ball back to their parents. Then roll the ball to the other tots This game trains hand eye coordination. It reinforce tot's developing sense of personal power with the motion of stopping a moving ball
5. The tots were given a bowl, 2 cups, leaf shape pasta and soya bean. They have to sort leaf shape pasta and soya bean in 2 different cups by picking up pasta and soya bean from the bowl
6. Teacher Shirley read a Chinese story book. All the tots moved away. Png Png fussed and wanted to eat his biscuit
7. Tods were given a milk bottle cap and a cork to stamp (with red water color) on a piece of paper. This teaches the relationship between cause-and-effect -> dab bottle cap/cork, stamp on paper gets an image on the paper. Bottle cap produces a circle outline image where else cork produces a filled-in circle image
8. Tots were given red, yellow and blue circle shape sticker to paste on a piece of paper with red, yellow and blue circle
9. Sing good bye song
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