The class commenced when we arrived. I was surprised that there were only 3 tots including Png Png.
We did
1. Shirley showed Eric Carle's Animals, Animals. She showed pictures of animals that appear in Little Mouse wants an apple

Rhinoceros - what is the color of this animal? Grey, white and black. It has hair on the ears and tail. It's tail is not as strong as kangeroo's tail, just like elephant and giraffe. There is a bird on the rhinoceros. What is the bird doing? Where is the rhinoceros? What is it doing? It's eating grasses. It is a herbivors. It is a plant eater

3. Shirley gave tots picture of a tree. Where is the trunk? What is the color of the leaves? Can it be red? What is red in color on the tree? Apple. The curvy line is the crown of the tree. It shows the shape of the tree. Some trees are triangle in shape, some are round like rain forest trees. She gave tots 9 round stickers to paste as apple. Png Png chose green color stickers as he likes green apples. This activity will teach tots Maths. Parents to guide tots to count total number of stickers. Then get tots to paste 5 or less stickers on the tree and the remainders on the ground. Instead of teaching tots 5 plus 4 equals 9 which means nothing to tots, teach tots there are 9 apples, 5 apples on the tree and 4 drops on the ground. Tots will learn addition slowly through this method. After pasting the stickers, tots had to use index finger to paint the tree trunk brown and the leaves and ground green. Avoid painting on the apples

4. Shirley returned tots the grey mouse painted last week. Tots had to use magic ink to add in details like eyes, mouth, legs, whiskers... Shirley asked what is the mouth eating? Where is it? Is it in a hole or on the tree? These questions guide tots to add in details in the picture.

Shirley advised parents to do the lapbook cover with tots at home pasting the tree and mouse together. She said ask tots what happened to the apples that dropped on the floor? They will rot after some time.
This is the cover we did

List of words learned in this lapbook.

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