We will be throwing birthday party for Chen Chen on Sunday, so we attended the lesson on Saturday.
We did
1. Shirley asked what does little mouse want to eat? Apple. How many apples are there on the tree? 8. What is the color of the apple? Shirley said teach tot to say in complete sentance "8 red apples". They will speak in full sentance in the future.
2. Shirley read the book "Little Mouse wants an apple" with questions and highlights in between like
animate mouse grind teeth and use legs to pull it's nose;
Who has long beck besides giraffe? Ostrick, flamingo;
Mrs kangeroo shares her apple with baby kangeroo. Baby kangeroo is called joey. Joey stays in the pouch of Mrs kangeroo and goes wherever Mrs kangeroo goes. Kangeroo is a marsupial. Marsupial has a pouch to carry baby
What does rhino use to shake tree? Rhino uses horn to knock the tree, Shirley pointed to the picutre and said the tree is bent, not straight then flip to another page to show picture of tree that is straight. Can little mouse shake the tree? No. Why? It's nose is soft. Shirley pointed to the mouse's tail and nose and said mouse's nose and tail are not straight, why? That shows that little mouse is in pain. Question like this sharpen observation skill.
Why sea lion ask if little mouse is fine? Sea lion saw that little mouse is sad so asked if little mouse is fine to show concern
What is sea lion good at? Tossing and juggling.
3. Shirley asked tots what did we cut last week? An apple. What color is the apple? Green apple. What did we use to cut the apple? A knife Which part of the knife? Blade Why do we need to use knife to cut apple? The apple is hard, we can't break it with our hands What is inside the apple" Seeds Is the seed bigger than the apple? No
4. Shirley drew picture of apple cut into half on the white board and drew a line in the center imagine we cut the apple into a quarter. Paper plate cut into half was given to tot to make craft of apple that is cut into a quarter. Tot had to tear a stripe of red color paper into pieces and paste them on the border of the apple as the skin of the apple. Tot also had to draw seeds in the center and core along the inner line of the plate. Shirley went round to ask tot where should the stalk of the apple be before she stapled it to the apple craft
5. Each tot was given 5 fruit stickers. Parents to describe each fruit in detail to tot and tot to match and paste the corresponding fruit stickers
6. Shirley showed a book on types of fruits. She highlighted a few types of fruits in the book
Citrus fruits has segment. It is very juicy
Compound fuit like durian, jackfruit has many segments. Each piece of flesh has a big seed inside the flesh
Melons are soft. It has many seeds in the center. The skin is thick and hard because the fruit is very sweet. Thus the skin is thick and hard as a natural way to protect the fruit being eaten by birds and insects
7. Sang rhyme Little apple
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