1. Sang Good Afternoon song
2. Shirley showed picture of a butterfly. She asked how many wing does butterfly have? 4 wings. What is the thin part in the middle? Head and body. Body is made up of thorax and abdomen. Does butterfly flutter wings very fast (Shirley dramatised flutter wings very fast with hands and panting) or very slowly (Shirley dramatised flutter wings in a relax manner). Butterfly is not a humming bird. Humming bird flutters wings very fast. Butterfly flutter wings slowly. How many leg do we have? 2 legs. How many legs do butterfly have? 6 legs. Where are the legs in the picture? They are on the other side which cannot be seen in the picture. Who stomp legs? (Sirley dramatised stomp legs) Elephant. Does butterfly stomp legs? No It tiptoes. What if butterfly stomp it's legs? The flower will be flatten and there will be no nectar. Shirley put a straw in her mouth. She said butterfly has a straw in it's mouth. What does butterfly drink with straw? Is it milk, milo, ribena? Butterfly uses it's straw to suck nectar. When it finishes, it rolls up it's straw and keeps it. It doesn't want to poke it's friends with the straw. Shirley actioned roll up straw in her mouth. Butterfly's straw is called proboscis. Shirley gave each tot a straw. Parents to dramatise butterfly fly to a flower, straighten straw, suck nectar and roll up straw with tot

4. Parents to guide tot to fix a butterfly picture cut into 4 pieces puzzle

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