1. Sang Good Afternoon song
2. Shirley asked tots did they paint last week? What color were used? She returned the color mixture tots did last week to the tots
3. Shirley showed picture of 3 chameleons. She asked tot to point to chameleon that has 3 horns on the head. She said the other 2 chameleon are the same kind but different in color. Chameleon changes color when angry example it saw a butterfly and wanted to eat the butterfly. Another chameleon ate the butterfly. So, the chameleon was angry and changed color. Chameleon changes to light color when it feels hot. If it is green in color, it changes to light green color. Shirley asked tot "Do you change color when you are hot?" No, you just sweat and take off your clothes. Chameleon can't take off clothes. It has no clothes but skin. It changes color when it feels cold. It changes to red color to attract other chameleon. It changes to red color to ask for friends to go near it.
Chameleon has long body, 4 short legs and a long tail. So, it is a lizard. There are many other types of lizards. Shirley introduced few more.
She showed picture of a gecko and asked it if has nose? No it has nostrils. It has a slit in eyes to it's protect eyes. She showed picture of a gecko using it's tongue to clean eye. She said gecko's tongue is very long, can reach the eye. It uses it's tongue to clean it's eye.

She asked tot to try if their tongue can touch their eye, nose. We use eye lid to clean our eye. Gecko is a noisy lizard. It makes geck geck geck sound and Shirley made geck geck geck sound. That attracted Png Png's attention. Other lizards don't make sound. Special thing about gecko is that it has sticky pads on the legs. It can walk upside down. The house lizard is gecko. It comes out at night and makes geck geck geck sound. Shirley said if mummy uses a stick to poke gecko's tail, it will shake shake shake (she shaked her butt) and shake off it's tail leaving the tail behind and ran away. Shirley showed picture of a gecko with a short new grown tail. She pointed to the tail and told tot that gecko's tail dropped off and grow a new tail.
Gila (pronounced as he la) monster is another kind of lizard. It is fat and has sharp claws. Shirley asked what are the sharp claws for? What other animals have sharp claws? Lion, tiger, owl. What do they use the claws for? To grab prey
4. Picture of gila monster, gecko and iguana were given to tots. Parents to describe to tot the difference between the 3 types of lizard
Gecko - eats insects, makes geck geck geck sound, has sticky pads on feets, tail grows again after dropped off
Iguana - has spikes from neck to tail, eats plants
Gila monsger - it has forked like tongue that is purple in color. Tongue produces poisonous venom. Eats animals. Very big lizard

5. Shirley gave out picture on food that chameleon eats. Small chameleon eats insects. Shirley suggested to parents to ask tots can small chameleon eat birds? No. Why not? Big chameleon eats birds. Where do they find their food?

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