1. Sang Good Afternoon song, Old McDonalds have a farm. Shirley asked - how does a horse look like? It has 2 eyes, 4 legs, hair called mane; how many legs do you have? 2 legs; Who has more legs? Horse or you? How many legs does duck have?
2. Next is a pre-maths activity of letting tot choose which is the next animal. Shirley said give tot choices of 3 animals instead of circle the correct answer like in assessment book helps build analytical and logical thinking skills. She said all tots have an analytical skill but we have to give them activites to build up this skill. It is easier to teach by telling story. Shirley gave example Old McDonald's farm has 3 animals - cow, sheep and pig. Cow stands next to sheep or likes to go with sheep; Sheep stands next to pig or likes to go with pig; Pig stands next to cow or likes to go with cow. What is the next animal in the picture? I use Eric Carle's story poem style: Cow, cow, what do you hear? I hear a sheep baaing in my ears. Sheep, sheep what do you hear? I hear a pig oinking in my ears. Pig, pig, what do you hear? I hear a cow mooing in my ears. Png Png got the correct answer

3. Shirley showed books on spider. She described color on the abdomen, legs. Spider's body has 2 parts - headchest and abdomen. Shirley drew a spider on the white board. Then drew 8 orange color legs from the headchest, 4 on the right, 4 on the left. Blue stripes were drawn on the abdomen. She also drew 2 red fangs. Fangs are like teeth. Spider bites a fly with it's fangs. The fly will sleep (Shirley action sleep lying on the floor). Spider then wraps round the fly (Shirley action wrap round and round a tot). Spider sucks fly into abdomen. Facts - spider bites prey with fangs then inject venom into prey that paralysed or killed it's prey. Then it wraps prey up with it's silk to transport prey back to it's nest. Spider injects venom to turn the inside of prey into liquid then sucks the liquid
4. Shirley returned the spider craft tots did last week. She described some of the craft - black body, yellow legs and vice versa. The craft to be pasted on the cover of the lap book. Tots were given red marker to draw 2 fangs and 8 black dots stickers to paste as the eyes

6. Picture of spider was given to tot to count number of legs, color legs, fangs. Tots also had to count the number of eyes. There were 6 eyes on the picture. So, tot had to draw 2 more eyes

7. Sang The Spider in the web

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