Today we did
1. Teacher Shirley took out lady's finger and sweet corn that she brought and talked about them.
Lady's finger is long and sharp like a lady's finger with long sharp nail. It is also call Okra. She let the kids smell lady's finger. Lady's finger has skin that is quite tough to protect the seeds inside. It is fruit of the lady's finger plant. It grows on the plant pointing upwards. Teacher Shirly cut lady's finger plant and gave half of it to each tot and asked them to smell. Png Png refused to go forward and take it from Teacher Shirley. Muise and Claris took lady's finger and gave to him, placed near his nose to let him smell. Teacher Shirley laughed at the scene. She said as if both Muise and Claris forced Png Png to smell lady's finger. He took from both and I returned one to Claris. He kept smelling, touching the lady's finger and placed near his mouth. Guess he wanted to taste it.
Next Teacher Shirley showed corn or corn on cob. Corn has leaf and fibre to protect corn from being eaten by insects. But at times they can be attact by nasty insects. Corn grows on the ground. Farmer uses special tractor to pull out corn
Muise brought apple, carrot and chai xin. Teacher Shirley took them and talked about them.
Apple grows on tree. It has thin skin to protect it. The seeds are in the core of the apple.
Carrot grows underground. It is the root of carrot plant. Farmer uses special tractor to pull out carrot, wash the carrots then remove the fine roots on the carrot before sending to supermarket for sale
Cai xin is leafy vegetable. It is the leaf of the plant.
We brought blue berry and white onion. Teacher Shirley took them and talked about them
There are many seeds inside blue berry. It has think skin on the outside
Onion has skin on the outside to protect it. The skin outside is light brown in color. Inside is white in color. There are layers and layers of skin on the onion. It is the bulb of the plant. Teacher Shirley tore the skin inside and showed tots that there are juices. It makes people teary when the juice splashes on the eyes. She said she always cry when cutting onion. She also let the kids smell the onion.
Xin Xian brought beet root and strawberry
Beet root has brown color skin. It is pink on the inside. I got from wikipedia that it is a tuber, just like potato
Strawberry has many small seeds on the skin. It has green leaves on top of the strawberry
Claris brought yellow kiwi and brocoli
Kiwi has hairy skin. It has many tiny seeds inside. It's skin is brown in color
Brocoli is flower of a plant We eat the stem and flower of brocoli. It is a very nutrious vegetable
Teacher Shirley arranged the fruits in the order of blue berry, strawberry, kiwi and apple to teach the concept of sizes. She cut all the fruits, onion and brocoli to let the tots smell and see where are the seeds. Teacher Shirley said that anything that has seeds is the fruit of the plant. Many commonly known vegetables eg tomato are classified by botanists as fruits because it has seeds. They are classified by lay man as vegetables because they are eaten with main meal instead of desserts
2. Teacher Shirley poured orange and green color paint and gave each tot cut lady finger and brocoli to do printing
3. Sang Little seed and recite My garden poem

4. Sang Good bye song
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