2. Teacher Shirley read the book Runaway bunny. Png Png participated actively when teacher Shirley asked where is the little bunny, where is the mummy. He pointed to the picture and said loudly THERE!
3. Teacher Shirley showed a book with picture of different type of rabbits. She pointed out the distintive features of each type of rabbit such as long/short ears, color, lop ear that covers the cheek/long ears that point upwards, long/short fur
4.Teacher Shirley gave out picture of 6 different breeds of rabbits then asked parents to describe the features of the rabbits to tots
Teacher Shirley said out distintive features of each breed or rabbit and asked tot to pick out the picture of that breed in the following order
Which rabbit has long black ears that stand on top of the head and black spots on the body? English spots rabbit
Which rabbit is black and white in color and has black shade that is like curtain on the face? Dutch rabbit
Which rabbit has fluffy fur that looks like a ball of cotton wool? Angora rabbit
Which rabbit has long ear that comes down and cover the face of rabbit? Lop eared rabbit
Which rabbit has long ears that stand up and short fur? Rex rabbit
Which rabbit is small? This rabbit is forever small like a baby Dwarf rabbit
Teacher Shirley called out the rabbits in the above order with the breed that has most distintive first and the least distintive feature last so that the picture left behind were lesser for tot to see the difference
5. Each tot was given a picture of a smiling rabbit with a big carrot in the hand. Teacher Shirley asked if the rabbit is happy or sad and how to tell that the rabbit is happy. She answered because it has a big carrot or may be it is going to a party. Crayons were distributed to the tots to color the picture. Png Png wanted me to draw picture of a bear. I drew it at the bottom
6. Sang and action rhyme Bunny, Bunny, hop, hop, hop
Png Png likes to color pictures. He likes paint the most, followed by magic pen then color pencil. He doesn't really like using crayon.He pays full attention when he colors
Closed up shot
Coloring in action
These are Png Png's art work. He doesn't scribble and holds pencil, crayon the correct way right from the start. I don't have to teach him at all. He must have learned from Chen Chen by observation
The Helix Bridge (Chinese: 螺旋桥), is a pedestrian bridge linking Marina Centre with Marina South in the Marina Bay area. It was officially opened on April 24, 2010 It is located beside the Benjamin Sheares Bridge and is accompanied by a vehicular bridge, known as the Bayfront Bridge.
We were there at the offical opening. We got there before 9m but public were not allowed to go to the bridge. We had no choice but went to the viewing stage
Png Png enjoyed walking up the steps which is very steep. It's good that he walked. I find it scary to carry him to walk up the steep steps
It was tiring for me to hold him and walk up and down. He refused to sit.
He walked along the rows of chair
Finally the Helix Bridge was opened to the public around 9pm. It was very crowded and noisy. There were many performances at different stations. Png Png danced to the music that he heard along the way. My boys enjoyed stepping on the spot light on the floor, especially Png Png.
Chen Chen and hubby had fun watching Korean drum performance by amateur. I didn't get to watch that as Png Png was sleeping on my shoulder. It was difficult for me to squeeze in with the crowd. I stood aside to enjoy the beautiful lighted scenery of the Helix Bridge
Most of the books that I recorded here are books that Png Png likes. Chen Chen chooses his own books nowadays. He prefers non-fiction books on planets, fishes, animals, dinosaurs, volcano,etc.
Png Png likes the book "I love you through and through". He wants me to read this book to him especially before bed time. He carried his carebear and sat besides me. He bent down and held his legs to action underside (the action he likes). He said "throw tantrum, even the bear runs away" when comes to the page I love your mad side
I love your hair and eyes,Your giggles and cries...A toddler and his teddy bear illustrate a young child's happy side, sad side, silly side, mad side, and more!
Png Png likes booksseries Good habits with Coco and Tula Good-bye diaper is the first book I borrowed for him. He can recite 90% of the book as I read along. I didn't expect him to recite the book but he gave me a surprise one fine night. Coco demonstrates good bathroom habits as he sits on the toilet until he's done, uses toilet paper, flushes the toilet, and washes his hands The 2nd book I borrowed is Let's eat. Png Png recited this book too. And, he even brought the scenario to the dinning table Coco demonstrates good table manners as he washes his hands before eating, sits correctly at the table, clears his dirty dishes, and washes his hands and brushes his teeth after the meal
Png Png likes books by Margaret Wise Brown especially Goodnight Moon
“In the great green room there was a telephone and a red balloon, and picture of a cow jumping over the moon… …And ther were 3 little bears sitting in chairs, and a little toyhouse and a young mouse and two little kittens and a pair of mittens, and a comb and a brush and a bowl full of mush and a quiet old lady whispering hush… …Goodnight Moon. …Goodnight light and the red balloon. …Goodnight bears and goodnight chairs, goodnight house and goodnight mouse. …Goodnight kittens and goodnight mittens. …Goodnight nobody, goodnight mush, and goodnight to the old lady whishpering hush. …Goodnight socks and goodnight clocks, Goodnight stars and goodnight air, goodnight noises everywhere.”
Good night moon 123 In the great green room, there is one quiet old lady whispering hush....Two little kittens..... Three little bears ................ Count all the way to one hundred stars
My World This book is a famous companion to Goodnight Moon. Using the same format, this tale features the rabbit family as they go through their day: brushing teeth, eating breakfast, going fishing, reading stories, and climbing into bed. For a small bunny, the big world can be boiled down to "My slippers. / My pajamas. / Daddy's pajamas," and "Mother's chair. / My chair. / A low chair. / A high chair. / But certainly my chair. The little bunny defines his world in terms of his parents: "Daddy's boy./ Mother's boy./ My boy is just a toy Bear." The last page underscores the little rabbit's contentment: swinging from a tree branch as his parents sit nearby on the porch, he announces: "Your world./ My world./ I can swing/ Right over the world.
Run away Bunny. I bought this book as a birthday present for Png Png's 2nd birthday. I was surprised that he likes this book. It is lengthy.
A little bunny who wanted to run away. But each time he tells his mother where he will run to, she tells him that she will come after him. For instance, when the bunny says, “I will become a fish in a trout stream and I will swim away from you,” his mother replies, “If you become a fish in a trout stream, I will become a fisherman and I will fish for you.” And so on until the little bunny, surrendering, concludes, “Shucks, I might just as well stay where I am and be your little bunny.” The story concludes with her offering him a carrot.
Both my boys like the book "Click Clark Moo Cows That Type" by Cronin, Doreen. Farmer Brown has a problem: his cows like to type. But his problems really begin when they leave him a note saying that the barn is too cold and they want electric blankets. Before long industrial relations have gone from bad to worse and both cows and hens are on strike.. Both my boys laughed hilarious especially Chen Chen while I read this book to them
The literature used for this term is The Run Away Bunny by Margreet Wise Brown I am surprised that Png Png likes this story book. The story is lengthy. I thought he will not stay through the whole book.
Today we did 1. Sang Good Afternoon song 2. Teacher Shirley read the book Run away bunny. She described a bit about the pictures in the story book eg Mummy bunny wore a red hat to shade herself from the sun as the sun can be very scorching high up in the mountain; she carried a stick to help her to climb up the mountain; she brought spade for gardening Teacher Shirley action blowing, walking on tight rope, curling up when bunny is scared, digging soil, and asked tots to follow these actions. She mentioned that bunny's claws and teeth are constantly growing. Bunny digs soil, scratches wood, bites tree to blunt their claws and teeth. Png Png participated when Teacher Shirley asked tots to point where is the little bunny, where is the mummy bunny. 3. Teacher Shirley showed picture of bunny burrow and bunny. Bunny hides in burrow in curl up position. She said bunny has whiskers and asked " Does dog have whiskers? No; What other animals have whiskhers? Cats, mouse ; What is the big animal with stripes on the body that has whiskers? Tiger 4. Teacher Shirley gave each tot 2 pcs of cotton wool to feel with eyes closed. She said that's how bunny's fur feels like She asked tots to paste the cotton wool on a bunny picture where she sticks double sided tape on the body, legs, ears, tail... 5. Parents to guide tots to name and paste sticker with words eyes, nose, mouth, whiskers, fur, legs, tail, ears on the picture of a rabbit
6. Teaching Shirley talked about food for bunny. Bunny doesn't eat ice-cream, butter, peanut butter. It does not like creamy food. It eats cabbage, dried grass ie hay, rabbit food. Then she gave out a chart. Tots pasted bunny picture of food on the chart and bunny next to the food bunny eat under parents' guidance. Png Png doesn't wanna do this activity 7. Teacher Shirley action bunny stomp feet when scared to scare enemy away or warn other bunnies. 8. Sang and action rhyme Bunny bunny hop, hop, hop Bunny bunny hop, hop, stop Twitch your ears, twitch your nose Twitch your tail and twitch your toes Bunny bunny hop, hop, hop Bunny bunny hop, hop, stop Png Png enjoyed hoping and singing 1st sentence of this rhyme 9. Sang Good bye song
Ikea is a good hangout place for adults and kids. There are so many things to see and buy. You can treat your tummy at the restaurant or the deli. The Swedish meatball and chicken wings are the popular orders in their restaurant. Mind you, the restaurant is very packed. There is a playground where parents can park their kids and shop in peace. If not, there are play stations here and there at the children's section
My boys played slide at children's section Png Png explored the drawers Png Png chased after the moving Ikea word light Even crawled on the floor tsk tsk tsk
K1 and K2 kids from Chen Chen's childcare centre worked on a project on types of houses. Among the activities, there were field trips to visit different types of houses - Colonial house in Russel Road and Royal Road, Kampong house in Malay Village, zinc tile house, semi detached house at Carpe Diem Schoolhouse and Director Annie's 5 rooms flat. The children also "window viewed" shop houses, 2 storey bungalow house, old HDB flats, 50 storey The Pinnacle@ Duxton in Tanjong Pagar and terrace houses along the way.
Today we open our condominium to the kids. Center manager Teacher Vernice, Chen Chen's english teacher Cris and the kitchen aunty Yap brought the kids to our place at around 2pm
1st stop at our house. Teacher Vernice run the show. She took out writing board and pencils for the kids to draw what they see Teacher Vernice briefed the kids what to do before they started exploring around
The kids exploring the study room - their favorite room with toys all around
The kids exploring master bedroom.The toilet in the master bedroom
Explored the kitchen
Admiring the swimming pool downstair
Chen Chen and Alicia
The kids drew what they observed
Next, they proceeded to tennis court and exercise corner on the 2nd level
The energetic kids ran up to the tennis court
At the exercise corner
The kids sat down around the exercise corner to draw what they observed
The kids' next favorite spot - playground. They forgot what they have to do and why they were here. Kids....
Take a break in the function room. It was very warm and humid after the rain in the morning. it's very comfortable to be in the air-con function room
I baked banana rasin cupcakes and bought wheat crackers for the kids and teachers for tea break
Thanks to director of Carpe Diem Annie to allow me to post some of the photos taken from their website