Today we did
1. Sing Good morning, I am special, Head Shoulders knees and toes song
2. Do body movement
3. Recite and action on rhyme I have ten fingers
4. Free play with building blocks for a while then each tot took turn to stack a piece of block on a block placed in the center. This teaches tots to take turn
5. Teacher Shirley poured black color paint and red color paint on 2 paper plates and let the tots do hand printing. Chen Chen kept saying that he wanna do hand printing very loudly. Gosh!

7. The tots played a game of scooping color buttons with spoon and walked to the table then put the button in the plastic carton for holding eggs. This teaches balancing and aiming as the tots need to aim probably to put a button in each hole of the carton. Chen Chen wanted to join in the game Teacher Shirley asked him to wait till the tots finished the game. She didn't let him play the game after everyone finished. He was very angry and kept repeating "she said will let me play the game, I want to play the game" then he went behind the sofa to spit saliva. What a shame!
8. Sing good bye song
Chen Chen insisted that he wanted to play the game. Teacher Shirley told him there are 2 playgrounds downstairs and he can play there. Chen Chen shouted "where got!" I really don't know where to hide myself. He made me loose my face in front of so many people. I will not bring him to Png Png's class anymore
When we went down, Chen Chen insisted that he want to find the other playground but we couldn't find it
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