This is the hooded rompers with a cat picture and ear on the hood

Today is Png Png's lunar birthday- 29th of the 1st month in lunar calender. We let him perform zua xui ritual We gave him a stethoscope , a toy roasted chicken, a red packet, a book, a ruler and a calculator. The first thing he picked will be his profession in his career
Stethoscope represents Doctor
Roasted chicken represents Cook
Red packet represents Merchant
Book represents Teacher
Ruler represents Engineer
Calculator represents Accountant
Png Png picked Stethoscope in the 1st attempt. He picked stethoscope followed by a book in the 2nd attempt Wished he will be a doctor or a medical professor, especially in paediatric field to earn back the money we spent to bring him to consult paediatrician. Hehehe...