One of the member Tamarind shared her way of teaching her children
She highly recommend this series of books 四五快读.

Tamarind recommended 当当网。to get the books but I didn't get from this website as they only accept credit card from China or Citibank. As there is a lot of hassle to go through to purchase from this website using Citibank credit card, I decided to look for these books in Singapore Motherhood forum A very nice mummy shared with me that she got the books from 淘宝网 as it is very much cheaper to get the books from 淘宝网. However, purchases can only be made in China itself. I got Cathy, my colleague in China to order the books for me. All 7 books only cost RMB38 plus shipping cost of RMB6. So total cost is RMB44, which is equivalent to S$ 8.72, ie cost of each book is around S$1.10. Really worth it. Happened that one of the Finance managers in Singapore office went to China. So, she helped me to bring the books back.
I started teaching Png Png Chinese using this series in April 2011 . And the result is satisfactory. Though, the progress is slower than my plan partly due to myself can't afford to spend much time with him, partly he doesn't cooperate at times when I teach him.
Chen Chen only started on book 1 then he refused to continue with book 2 when he came across words that he can't read.
Search for enrichment class for Chen Chen ended up seach for teaching material for Png Png
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