Today is New Year Eve, our office closed at 12:30 pm but I worked till closed to 4pm. Worse than Christmas Eve when I worked till 2+pm. Argh........Both my boys were sick. Luckily hubby was on leave. He brought both boys to my office then we brought the boys to consult the Chinese sin seh whose clinic is near my officeThe boys played at the fountain area while waiting for me
I like this green rompers very much It gives a very sun shine look
Png Png stopped taking his dinner when I was feeding him half way. I was irritated and tried coaxing him with different toys. He kept rejecting then he blurted the word da pian. WOW! I quickly unbuckled him and brought him down from his high chair to clean him. It was true that he soiled his diaper. I was very happy that he told me he passed motion. While changing him I told him next time tell mummy before you pass motion, not after you passed motion alright Hmmm.... this mummy. Was I asking too much at this stage. He is 22 month old. I should be very happy that he marked another milestone in his development.
So cute seeing Png Png followed Chen Chen's action. But naughty Chen Chen likes to teach Png Png does the naughty act such as spit saliva, hit head, make monkey face, put fingers into mouth..